Dienstag, 7. April 2009


now jetlag is a phenomen which hits me very hard everytime I travel.
It doesnt matter if its Bangkok, San Francisco or Costa Rica Jetlag is my best friend and always with me.
Normally its pretty boring to travel with me cause as soon as I sit down on my seat I fall asleep. I dont care about crying children, movies or something like this at all. Just minutes before we arrive I wake up.
The farest I can stay awake is until they serve Dinner which was lamb with tomatoes and rice on the first flight.
My mom always complains about me cause she likes to talk and I sleep the whole time. Now she lays nxt to me in this beautiful huuughe bed which has sheets of cotton from egypt and we both got 3 BIG pillows and snores as hell.
Just to remind you in Germany it is 9 in the evening in Thailand it is 2 in the morning.
Jetlag is the wrost thing that can ever happen to you cause its like a circle. I know excately that Im gonna be pissed tomarrow mrng when my mom wake me up and that I will take a nap tomarrow noon an so on and so on. When I went to CA I slept at 8 in the evening and woke up at 5 in the morning. And there is no cure besides you try really hard to stay awake or to go to bed / depends where you go DUH!
Ill try to sleep at least a little bit. Wish me luck

2 Kommentare:

  1. lieber jetlag als regional express du blog buster..pass auf deine mutter auf...nee deine mutter soll auf dich aufpassen.auch doof ..komm einfach gesund zurück

  2. re is üüüübel
    wir passen gegenseitig auf uns auf das is doch jut oder
